About the SHAYKH

“Just  as  Allah’s  manifestation  of  “Just  as  Allah’s   manifestation  of  Himself  led  to His  bringing out  the  presence   of Our Master  Muhammad (SAWS), the Khalifa  of Muhammad  needed to  appear  as another reality,  so that  the  Muhammadi  reality  in  turn   could  be  fully  manifest.  Thus  the  reality of Our  Master,  the  Hidden  Pole,  the Well-Known Muhammadi  Seal  appeared, and  it  is  through him  that  the  saints  from  the  beginning of  time  until   his  manifestation  spoke.

He is  Our  Master   Ahmad  and  he  is  the  saint of  Allah  (TWT),  though  what  he  had   came  from the  Chosen Prophet  (SAWS),  who  gave  him  all  his   attributes,  until  the only  difference between  them  was  these  two  words:  attribution  and  extension.

All  of  Ahmad  Tijani’s attributes  were  extended  to him  from  the  Chosen   Prophet  (SAWS);  when  Our  Master Muhammad (SAWS) manifested  himself   in  the  reality of  our  Shaykh,  he  extended  to  him all  his   attributes  except prophecy,  just as  Allah  had  extended  to  the  Chosen  Prophet (SAWS)  all  His  attributes  except divinity.

In   this way,  the  Prophet (SAWS)  is  not a  god, and  Shaykh Tijani   (RA)  is  not a  prophet,  but the  Chosen  Prophet  (SAWS)  extended   to him  everything except prophecy and  placed  it  in  his  (RA)   reality.

For  this  reason,  he  is called  the  Well-Known  Muhammadi  Seal and  the  Hidden  Pole:  his  true   station  is  hidden from  all people.”

—Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (ra), The Khartoum Speech

[Interpreted  from the Arabic by Sidi “Adnan” Adrian Wood-Smith]  led  to His   bringing out  the  presence  of Our Master  Muhammad (SAWS), the  Khalifa  of Muhammad  needed to appear  as another reality,  so that   the  Muhammadi  reality  in  turn  could  be  fully  manifest.  Thus   the  reality of Our  Master,  the Hidden  Pole,  the Well-Known  Muhammadi  Seal  appeared, and  it  is through him  that  the  saints   from  the  beginning of  time  until  his  manifestation  spoke.

He  is  Our  Master  Ahmad  and  he  is  the  saint of  Allah  (TWT),   though  what  he  had  came  from the  Chosen Prophet  (SAWS),  who   gave  him  all  his  attributes,  until  the only  difference between   them  was  these  two words:  attribution  and  extension.

All   of Ahmad  Tijani’s attributes  were  extended  to him  from  the   Chosen  Prophet  (SAWS);  when  Our  Master Muhammad (SAWS) manifested   himself  in  the  reality of  our  Shaykh,  he  extended  to  him all   his  attributes  except prophecy,  just as  Allah  had  extended  to   the Chosen  Prophet (SAWS)  all  His  attributes  except divinity.

In   this way,  the  Prophet (SAWS)  is  not a  god, and  Shaykh Tijani   (RA)  is  not a  prophet,  but the  Chosen  Prophet  (SAWS)  extended   to him  everything except prophecy and  placed  it  in  his  (RA)   reality.

For  this  reason,  he  is called  the  Well-Known  Muhammadi  Seal and  the  Hidden  Pole:  his  true   station  is  hidden from  all people.”